Public contact course:             R 17 391-30 VAT Exclusive   =   R 20 000-00 VAT Inclusive

Distance Learning course:          R 10 434-78 VAT Exclusive   =   R 12 000 VAT Inclusive
(6months to complete)

Dates public course 


1 week + 2-days tutorials + 1-day evaluation



TSA Business Centre
Bauhinia Street
Highveld Technopark

This course is also available via contact In-House or Virtual In-House (MS Teams)
Contact us for a formal quote.



Target Audience

Any employee involved in continual improvement.

Technical staff, junior, middle and top management


The Green Belt is expected to deliver the agreed benefits of a Six Sigma project to the organisation.
These improvement activities will often be within the Green Belt's usual field of employment and operation. In so doing, the Green Belt will:

  • work with the local 'line management' to identify and quantify opportunities for improvement within the locale;
  • be required to lead a smaller Six Sigma project.
  • coach process operators (Yellow Belts) on process improvement methods and activities.
  • complete a SixSigma project with evidence of cost savings.

The Process of Green Belt training is as follows:

  • Introduction               
  • Project Team Charter             
  • DMAIC Control List 
  • Tools and techniques to be used during the stages of:
    • DEFINE
    • CONTROL 
  • Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) Overview
  • Statistical Process Control (SPC)
  • Control Plans
  • Six Sigma Report Writing

Tutorials (2-days)

It is very difficult for learners to run their projects in isolation. Not only is the facilitator available during the time of the project via e-mail and telephonically but it is also important that project milestones are achieved within a certain timeframe. The tutorials are designed for the learners to share their progress and the difficulties encountered. They also gain further direction from the facilitator during these sessions.

Certification and Certificates:

To be successful a learner will need to write a 1½ hour exam, present their project on MS PowerPoint (20 minutes) + 10 minutes for questions, submit a formal report on the project they completed, proving cost savings.

Distance Learning delegates has to submit a written report and has to present their project via MS Teams

Successful Learners will receive an electronic TIQMS certificate
100% attendance is required for public course

Your Six Sigma Facilitator      

This training is led by a person who has had more than 30 years’ experience in the Quality Management and Quality Improvement world, over 10 years’ experience with Six Sigma, and holds a Master’s degree in Quality.

Further Information:

The purpose of Six Sigma is to bring about increased quality performance and to deliver improved profit by addressing chronic business problems that may have existed for many years. The driving force behind the approach is for organisations to be competitive and to eliminate errors and waste.
A number of Six Sigma projects are about the reduction of losses.
Some organisations require their own staff to engage with Six Sigma and demand that their suppliers do as well.

This course has led to many organisations adopting the Six Sigma process and we have been assisting them on an in-house basis, developing competent Six Sigma “Green Belts”.

This course is in line with guidance given in the following two ISO Standards:
ISO 13053-1:2011 Quantitative methods in process improvement — Six Sigma — Part 1: The DMAIC methodology, and
ISO 13053-2:2011 Quantitative methods in process improvement — Six Sigma — Part 2: Tools and techniques