From “the horse’s mouth”, excuse the pun.

David J Stables

National Convenor: SABS ISO TC 176/SC2/WG29 for the rewrite of ISO 9001:2015

Director: TIQMS

MTech: Quality

SA representative to ISO for writing ISO 9001:2015

SA representative to ISO for writing ISO 19011:2011

I have been receiving many queries of what to expect in the new ISO 9001. You should not be concerned about this at the moment. By the end of 2024 we have had 12 international meetings so far, restricted to 2 nominated national experts only. In South Africa this is me as the National Convenor and Xolani Mphalwa of Blackstone Consulting Ltd as the other expert.

The ETA for the new ISO 9001 is expected to be September 2026. Organizations would then probably have 18 months to adapt to the new Standard.

For any queries or fact checking you are welcome to contact me via e-mail –


One of the main concerns from QMS managers, implementers, internal auditors and Certification Body auditors is the new requirement on Climate Change. This is now a requirement since the 13th of September 2024 given as SANS ISO 9001:2015 Amendment 1…

4.1 Understanding the organization and its context.

The organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose.

and that affect its ability to achieve the intended result(s) of its quality management system.

Added: The organization shall determine whether climate change is a relevant issue.


4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties.

The organization shall determine:

• the interested parties that are relevant to the quality management system.

• the relevant requirements of these interested parties.

• which of these requirements will be addressed through the quality management system.

Added: NOTE: Relevant interested parties can have requirements related to climate change

What this means for organizations that have implemented one or more management

system standards:

Millions of organizations have implemented or are certified to one or more of ISO’s MSS

across a wide range of economic sectors, in various types and sizes of organizations

operating in diverse geographical, cultural, and social conditions. Supporting the governance

of an organization and providing confidence in its activities is what management system

standards do, and climate change is an issue that can impact many different facets of an

organization; from supply chains, employee health and safety, resource or energy availability

and usage, business continuity and resilience, asset management and meeting customer,

consumer and contractual requirements and other expectations from relevant interested


A common misconception is that climate change considerations are limited to organizations

that have chosen to implement an environmental management system such as ISO 14001.

In fact, most, if not all, organizations are likely to be affected by climate change in one way or another and may need to adapt to it in order to continue to meet their objectives and fulfil their

strategic purpose. Organizations may also choose (or be required by relevant interested

parties) to take action to mitigate climate change as part of their operations. Both of these

elements (climate change adaptation and climate change mitigation) are now addressed the ISO management system standards.


For users of management system standards (MSSs), determining the issues that are relevant to their

scope and purpose is not a new requirement. Many organizations may have already thought

about how climate change can affect their business and determined whether it is a

relevant issue that needs to be addressed within their particular context. This will in turn have fed into their policies and objectives and been actioned/deployed as part of their risk and opportunity management processes.

For organizations that are only now beginning to understand how climate change adaptation

and mitigation might affect their operations, this change will serve as a “wake-up call” or reminder.



The London Declaration to combat climate change through standards was approved by all

ISO Member Bodies at the General Assembly in 2021 and defines ISO’s commitment to

achieve the global climate agenda.

This latest revision to the core text of all MSS further emphasizes that commitment, by

leveraging the global penetration of ISO’s portfolio of management system standards and

the crucial (and highly visible) role they play.

Climate change adaption and mitigation is now placed very firmly on the radar screen of

millions of organizations around the world as one of many issues within their context

considerations that are relevant to their ongoing resilience, sustainability, and success.

For a free 24-page ISO Booklet on Climate change mitigation, please download from our website and download “Climate Change Mitigation Booklet.pdf” (7.4 Mb).